Frequently Asked Questions
Who takes part in the poll?
Anyone who works for medium of large businesses in Australia, and provides sustainability, ESG, or carbon management services, for all, or as part of the suite of services that they provide.
I haven’t been invited – how can I take part?
If you work in sustainability, ESG, or a carbon management role in Australia, and you would like to take part in the study, then please email us at bizpoll@freshwaterstrategy.com.
Are the responses made public?
Individual responses are NOT made public or shared with Viridios. The results will be analysed by the research team at Freshwater Strategy, and a final report is shared which contains no personally identifiable information. Freshwater Strategy is a Market Research Society company partner and abides by their rules.
Is the poll representative? / What is the survey representative of?
The poll is designed to be representative of medium and large businesses operating in Australia, evaluating the views of decision makers employed in sustainability, ESG, or carbon management role that operate in Australia.
What is the poll about? / What questions will be asked?
Questions vary, but in general, sustainability / ESG professionals will be asked a range of key indicators, the challenges they face in meeting emissions targets, their bold calls and expert predictions, as well as how they are responding to government reforms and emerging issues relating to carbon markets.
How will the results be used?
The results will be used to produce a major industry report, The Viridios Carbon Markets Report. The results of which will be used for various thought leadership pieces about trends in your industry.
Do I have to answer all the questions?
We would encourage all respondents to answer all questions as honestly as possible. However, if you feel that you are unable to answer a question, or are unwilling to do so, you can select the ‘Prefer not to say’ or skip the question. You are not obliged to answer every question.
Can I complete the survey later?
If you have already started your response, you can save your position and complete the survey at a later time. But please don’t forget to complete the survey before the closing date. The link will close on the date and time specified in your invitation letter.
Am I the right person in my organisation to take this poll?
If you are employed in a sustainability, ESG, or carbon management role within your organisation then yes.
I have questions about the poll – who can I speak to?
If you have any questions about the poll, that have not been answered here, please email the Freshwater Strategy research team at: bizpoll@freshwaterstrategy.com