The latest The Australian Financial Review / Freshwater Strategy poll shows a clear division among Australian voters regarding who they think is best suited to manage their concerns.

In the AFR’s feature on the poll his week, Phil Coorey describes “Labor once more at level-pegging with the Coalition at 50 per cent on the two-party-preferred vote, while Anthony Albanese’s lead over Peter Dutton in approval ratings and as preferred prime minister has also shrunk.”

Freshwater Strategy conducted this poll of 1,055 voters, aged 18+ online, between 12-13 April 2024.

Primary Vote

Labor’s Primary vote is unchanged since March, while the Coalition is up 1 point to 40%.

The Greens Primary vote has fallen 1 point.

Preferred PM

Albanese’s lead as preferred Prime Minister falls by 3pts since March, preferred by 45% of voters, compared with 39% for Dutton.

Net Approval

Albanese’s net approval has remained steady on -7. Dutton’s net approval has improved, up 4pts since March.

Two Party Preferred

Labor’s two party preferred vote share is down 1pt since March to 50%. This is down 2pts on the 2022 Federal election result.

“Over the last month, every major polling firm has published Labor’s TPP below their 2022 result. These results are quite typical for a mid-term federal government, and put Labor firmly in minority government territory,” Dr Michael Turner as quoted in the AFR.

Management of voter priorities

Labor’s lead on who is best to manage several key voter concerns has continued to slip.

Among voters, Dutton and the Coalition have strengthened their position as best to manage the cost of living (-6, shifting 3pts since March), are increasingly seen as better to manage crime and immigration (both on -17, shifting 6pts since March), as well as being best on tax and government spending (-10, shifting 5pts since March).

Read Phil Coorey's analysis of the poll results here.

Methodology Note & Contact

Freshwater Strategy interviewed n=1,055 eligible voters in Australia, aged 18+ online, between 12-14 April 2024. Margin of Error +/- 3.3%. Data are weighted to be representative Australian of voters.

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