The latest AFR/Freshwater Strategy poll, which has monitored energy source preferences over the past two years, shows minimal change in public opinion following the Coalition’s nuclear power proposal unveiled last Friday. This highlights the ongoing challenge for both major parties to navigate energy policy in the context of persistent cost-of-living pressures. 

Solar remains the most supported energy source, with rooftop solar supported by 82% of voters. However, there is a 21pt gap in net support between rooftop (+78) and industrial-scale solar farms (+56). 

Onshore wind (+39) and offshore wind (+37) have seen significant declines since September 2023. 

Read AFR political editor Phil Coorey’s article on voter support for energy sources here.  

For frequently updated insights on key voter insights, head to Freshwater Strategy’s Data Stream.


Freshwater Strategy interviewed n=1,051 eligible voters in Australia, aged 18+ online, between 13-15 December 2024. Margin of Error +/- 3.1%. Data are weighted to be representative Australian of voters.

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